Podcasting and Video Marketing

100+ Podcast Interview Questions to Engage Guests and Listeners

Jay Desai
June 25, 2024
9 mins
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Welcome to your ultimate guide on crafting the best podcast questions to keep your listeners hooked! Whether you're a seasoned podcaster or just starting out, asking the right questions can make all the difference.

Once you've nailed down your podcast questions, make sure to also maximize your reach by repurposing your podcast content with tools like SummarAIze into engaging social posts, emails, and more.

Let's dive in and discover how to make your podcast interviews truly memorable and engaging for your target audience.

The Art of Crafting Podcast Questions

Creating engaging questions is an art. You want to tailor your questions to fit your guest and audience. Here are some tips to help you craft the perfect questions for your podcast interviews. These strategies will ensure your conversations are insightful and compelling, maintaining a natural flow and avoiding awkward silences.

  • Be Specific: Tailor your questions to the guest’s expertise.
  • Be Open-ended: Encourage detailed responses.
  • Be Flexible: Leave room for follow-up questions or opportunities to revisit previous questions.
  • Send Questions in Advance: Give your podcast guests time to prepare thoughtful answers.

Categories of Podcast Questions

When crafting your podcast questions, it can be helpful to break them down into different categories. As the podcast host, this will ensure that you cover a wide range of topics and keep the conversation engaging for both your guests and listeners.

Here are some common categories of podcast questions to consider, plus a list of questions for each category:

Icebreaker Questions

Starting your podcast with icebreaker questions can set a relaxed tone and help your guest feel more comfortable. These questions are designed to be light and engaging, perfect for warming up your conversation.

  1. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
  2. What’s your favorite way to spend a day off?
  3. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
  4. What’s your favorite book or movie and why?
  5. What’s the most unusual thing you’ve ever eaten?
  6. Do you have a hidden talent or hobby?
  7. What’s your go-to karaoke song?
  8. If you could meet any historical figure, who would it be and why?
  9. What’s your favorite holiday and how do you celebrate it?
  10. What’s a fun fact about you that most people don’t know?

Personal Questions

Adding personal questions to your podcast interviews can help reveal more about your guest's personality and background. These questions can make your conversations more relatable and engaging for podcast listeners.

  1. What’s your favorite childhood memory?
  2. Who has had the most profound impact on your life?
  3. What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
  4. What’s your morning routine like?
  5. What’s one thing you can’t live without?
  6. How do you relax after a long day?
  7. What’s your biggest fear?
  8. What’s a hidden talent you have?
  9. What’s your favorite quote and why?
  10. If you could travel back in time, what period would you visit and why?

Funny Questions

Adding humor to your podcast can make it more enjoyable and relatable. Here are some funny questions to lighten the mood and entertain your audience:

  1. What’s the funniest thing that’s happened to you recently?
  2. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
  3. What’s the weirdest food you’ve ever eaten?
  4. If you were a character in a movie, who would you be?
  5. What’s your favorite joke?
  6. Have you ever had a funny miscommunication?
  7. If animals could talk, which would be the funniest?
  8. What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve bought?
  9. What’s your go-to dance move?
  10. What’s the funniest name you’ve ever heard?

Deep Questions

Deep questions help uncover meaningful insights and personal experiences. Use these questions to foster profound and thoughtful discussions:

  1. What’s a significant challenge you’ve faced and how did you overcome it?
  2. What motivates you to keep going when times are tough?
  3. How has failure shaped your life?
  4. What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned?
  5. How do you define success?
  6. Who has had the biggest impact on your life?
  7. What are you most grateful for?
  8. How do you handle stress?
  9. What’s your life philosophy?
  10. What legacy do you want to leave behind?

Controversial Questions

Controversial topics and questions can spark engaging and thought-provoking debates. Here are some to consider:

  1. What’s your take on [current hot topic]?
  2. Have you ever changed your mind about a major issue? Why?
  3. What’s a commonly held belief you disagree with?
  4. How do you handle criticism?
  5. What’s the most contentious issue in your field?
  6. Do you believe in cancel culture? Why or why not?
  7. What’s the most controversial opinion you have?
  8. How should we handle misinformation?
  9. What’s your stance on [political issue]?
  10. How do you balance free speech with responsibility?

Interesting Questions

Keep your audience captivated with these interesting questions that reveal unique perspectives and stories:

  1. What’s the most surprising thing you’ve learned in your field?
  2. Who’s been your biggest influence and why?
  3. What’s your favorite book or movie and why?
  4. What’s a hobby you’re passionate about?
  5. What’s an unusual fact about yourself?
  6. If you could meet anyone from history, who would it be?
  7. What’s your dream travel destination?
  8. What’s a skill you wish you had?
  9. What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
  10. What’s your favorite way to unwind?

Juicy Questions

Juicy questions delve into intriguing and lesser-known aspects of your guest's life. Here are some examples:

  1. Can you share a behind-the-scenes story that no one knows?
  2. What’s the biggest risk you’ve ever taken?
  3. What’s a decision you regret?
  4. What’s the craziest thing you’ve done for love?
  5. What’s your guilty pleasure?
  6. What’s a secret talent you have?
  7. What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?
  8. What’s a rumor you’ve heard about yourself?
  9. What’s your biggest pet peeve?
  10. What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you?

Specialized Podcast Questions

In addition to the general categories of funny, deep, controversial, and interesting questions, you may want to ask specialized questions tailored to your guest's expertise or field of interest.

These type of questions can help showcase their knowledge and provide valuable insights for your listeners.

Here are some examples of specialized podcast questions:

For Friends

When interviewing friends, these questions can explore the depth of their relationship and shared experiences:

  1. How did you two meet?
  2. What’s your favorite memory together?
  3. What’s the funniest thing you’ve done together?
  4. How do you support each other?
  5. What’s your favorite inside joke?
  6. What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve done together?
  7. How do you handle disagreements?
  8. What’s your favorite thing about each other?
  9. How do you stay in touch?
  10. What’s a challenge you’ve overcome together?

Relationship Questions

Dive into the dynamics of relationships with these insightful questions:

  1. What’s the key to a successful relationship?
  2. How do you handle disagreements?
  3. What’s your favorite memory with your partner?
  4. How do you keep the spark alive?
  5. What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced together?
  6. How do you support each other’s goals?
  7. What’s the most romantic thing you’ve done?
  8. How do you balance work and relationship?
  9. What’s your favorite thing about your partner?
  10. How do you handle long-distance?

Business Questions

Explore the world of business with these questions designed to uncover valuable insights and strategies:

  1. What’s the best business advice you’ve ever received?
  2. How do you stay innovative in your industry?
  3. What’s your biggest business challenge?
  4. How do you manage your time effectively?
  5. What’s your most successful project?
  6. How do you handle failure in business?
  7. What’s your strategy for growth?
  8. How do you motivate your team?
  9. What’s your vision for the future of your business?
  10. How do you balance work and personal life?

Mental Health Questions

These questions promote mental health awareness and support, offering a deeper understanding of your guest's journey:

  1. How do you maintain your mental health?
  2. What’s a mental health tip you wish everyone knew?
  3. How do you deal with anxiety or stress?
  4. What’s the best self-care advice you’ve received?
  5. How do you stay positive?
  6. What’s your go-to stress-relief activity?
  7. How do you support others with mental health issues?
  8. What’s a common mental health misconception you’d like to debunk?
  9. How do you practice mindfulness?
  10. What’s your mental health journey?

Sports Questions

For athletes and sports enthusiasts, these questions delve into their experiences and insights:

  1. What’s your pre-game routine?
  2. Who’s your sports idol and why?
  3. What’s the most challenging aspect of your sport?
  4. How do you stay motivated?
  5. What’s your biggest achievement in sports?
  6. How do you handle defeat?
  7. What’s your training regimen?
  8. What’s your favorite sports memory?
  9. How do you balance sports and personal life?
  10. What’s your advice for aspiring athletes?

Podcast Questions to Avoid

Avoiding certain types of questions can keep your podcast professional and respectful. Here are examples of what to steer clear of:

  • Too Personal: What’s your biggest regret?
  • Leading: Don’t you think [controversial opinion]?
  • Vague: Can you tell me about yourself?
  • Invasive questions: Questions that pry too deeply into personal matters.
  • Double-barrel questions: Questions that ask two different things within a single question. This can confuse your guest and lead to incomplete or unclear answers, disrupting the natural flow of the interview.

Closing Questions for Podcast Interviews

Ending on a high note is crucial. These closing questions can leave a lasting impression and provide key takeaways for your audience:

  • What’s next for you?
  • How can listeners connect with you? (Ask for any social media handles or social media profiles)
  • What’s the most important takeaway for our audience?

Creating a Signature Question or Segment

Having a unique question or segment can set your podcast apart. Consider developing a signature question that you ask every guest. For example:

  • "If you could have dinner with anyone, living or dead, who would it be and why?"
  • "What’s one book you think everyone should read?"

Tips for Effective Podcast Interviews

Preparation is key. Here are some tips to help you conduct effective interviews:

  • Prepare Thoroughly: Research your guest and their work.
  • Listen Actively: Pay attention and follow up on interesting points.
  • Balance Your Questions: Mix different types of questions to keep the conversation flowing and ensure a natural flow of dialogue.

How to Improve Your Podcast Even Further

Podcast interview questions are just one part of the equation for a successful podcast episodes.

To create a show that's engaging and builds an audience, you will need more than just good questions.

Here are some other important factors that when executed can improve your podcast:

  • Use good podcast equipment: Having the right microphones, lighting, and cameras can make your podcast look more professional.
  • Use recording and editing software: Avoid just recording on a smartphone or a Zoom. Instead use specialized software that can make it easier for guests to record in a high-quality. Editing software can also be handy to polish the audio and remove any mistakes or pauses.
  • Repurpose your content: Consider repurposing your podcast content to reach a wider audience. You can turn your interviews into blog posts, social media snippets, or even create video clips for platforms like YouTube—tools like SummarAIze can automate this.

Final Thoughts on Podcast Questions

Asking the right questions can transform your podcast into an engaging and insightful show. With these tips and the power of SummarAIze, you can maximize the reach and impact of your podcast content.

Ready to elevate your podcast game? Try SummarAIze now and see the difference!

Podcast Questions FAQ

What are some good questions to ask during a podcast interview?

When preparing for a podcast interview, it's essential to ask questions that engage your guest and provide value to your audience. Here are a few examples:

  1. Can you introduce yourself as if someone else were introducing you?
  2. What’s the most significant challenge you’ve faced, and how did you overcome it?
  3. How did you get started in your field?
  4. What’s one thing about your job that you wish more people understood?
  5. What’s your favorite book and why?
  6. Can you share a memorable experience that shaped your career?
  7. How do you stay motivated and inspired?
  8. What advice would you give to someone starting in your industry?
  9. What are some emerging trends in your field?
  10. How do you balance your professional life with personal time?

These questions can help create a meaningful conversation and reveal insights that resonate with your podcast listeners​.

As a podcast host, how do you balance asking guests questions and putting in your own 2 cents?

Balancing your role as a podcast host involves allowing your guest to share their insights while also contributing your own perspectives to the conversation. Here are some tips:

  1. Listen Actively: Pay close attention to your guest’s answers and follow up with thoughtful questions.
  2. Share Briefly: When adding your own thoughts, keep them concise and relevant to the topic at hand.
  3. Connect the Dots: Relate your experiences or opinions to the guest’s points, enhancing the depth of the discussion without overshadowing the guest.
  4. Encourage Dialogue: Ask open-ended questions that invite further discussion and show genuine interest in your guest’s perspective.

By striking this balance, you can ensure a dynamic and engaging interview that values both your input and your guest's expertise​.

How much preparation should an interviewer do for a 60-minute podcast?

Preparing for a 60-minute podcast interview typically involves several key steps:

  1. Research Your Guest: Spend time understanding your guest’s background, work, and interests. This helps you tailor your questions and make the conversation more relevant.
  2. Prepare a Question List: Draft a list of potential questions, but remain flexible to follow the natural flow of the conversation. Having 15-20 questions can be a good starting point.
  3. Send Questions in Advance: Consider sharing your questions or at least the topics with your guest beforehand to help them prepare.
  4. Review the Format: Decide on the structure of your podcast, including the introduction, main discussion, and closing remarks.
  5. Test Your Equipment: Ensure all technical aspects are working correctly to avoid disruptions during the interview.

A well-prepared interviewer can facilitate a smooth, engaging, and professional podcast episode​.

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